Type One Outdoors

As a student in the Pacific Northwest with T1D, I don’t have the time or money to go buy the newest, fanciest snacks for my outdoor adventures, but they are a must for unpredictable highs or lows.
Here is my top 5 list of goodies I put in my bag on my kayak, also on the mountain,  and even in my school bag! All of these items have been tested in the PNW, and found at most grocery stores.


Nature Valley Fruit & Nut Trail Mix

These are my absolute favorite bars to take out on the water. They won’t melt or crumble, so they are pocket and pack friendly! At 25g of Carbs and 3g of protein, these are sure to come to your rescue with a low BG.

• Won’t Melt
• Won’t crumble
• Pocket friendly

• Wrapper


Original Lara Bars (GF/V)

There are so many flavors of Lara Bars! All gluten-free! Plus, so many are vegan as well. These bars are small, dense, and taste good. Only a handful of ingredients, but packed with fiber, carbs, and protein? I’m sold.

• Gluten free
• Vegan
• Small
• Natural ingredients
• Fiber, Protein, Carbs

• Wrapper


Bottled Juice (GF/V)

Make that a plastic bottle too! Broken glass is not on the agenda! Of course, this is not ideal for long hikes where space is of the essence, but for minor hikes, or water activities it does just fine. A bottle of juice is for those lows that you need to fix ASAP, and the bottle wont squish like a juice box. Look for something that has 30+ carbs in it, so you can get at least 2 serving out of it in the event of multiple lows. One resealable bottle for emergencies, and you’re set. Just don’t forget to recycle when it’s empty!

• Won’t squish
• 30+ gm carb

• Recycle empty bottle


Nuts and Seeds (GF/V)

Go nuts! These are sort of an obvious trail snack, but the real benefit is the low-carb protein that they hold. When I am out on the water, or miles deep in the woods, and my BG is running a bit high, but I’m in the mood for snacking, that’s where basic, plain ole nuts and seeds come in! Trail mix is similar, but can vary on sugar content due to the candies and fruits mixed in.

• Low-carb protein
• For snack cravings


Fruit Leather + Dried Fruits (GF/V)

There are so many brands, flavors, and shapes of dried fruit and fruit leathers. My favorites are Z-fruit twists by Clif, and Jovy Fruit Rolls. Crush proof, won’t melt, natural Fructose sugars, and affordable! The Jovy fruit rolls are 3 for $2 at my local Safeway. They are typically the first in my bag for traveling and outdoor adventures.

• Crush proof
• Won’t melt
• Natural fructose
• Affordable

• Wrapper

One Last Thing

Pack it In  . . .  Pack it Out

Let me know in the comment section below what your favourite kayak treats are. Which ones you have found to work well, and which ones you just won’t carry in your boat.

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Understanding that any outdoor activity comes with inherent risks of injury and even death in the most extreme cases.

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You are agreeing that you will not adversely interfere with the natural environments we will be using (other than normal use of the trails, equipment and infrastructure) This includes wildlife, sensitive ecosystems, manmade structures, maintained trails, markers, safety devices, safety structures, and personnel.

Since you are signing up to join us on this activity, you are doing so at your own will and you understand all the risks involved. (if you don’t, please ask. If you still don’t, Please don’t sign) You’re also agreeing to let your leader know if you have any medical condition that needs to be disclosed before we set out, and you agree to prepare yourself adequately before the activity and be as self sufficient as possible as not to be an adverse burden upon the rest to the party or strangers.

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